Conferences and seminars on legal and economic topics, covering the latest developments across various sectors.
Capital Market – Law and Transactions XVI (Kapitalmarkt – Recht und Transaktionen XVI)
Wednesday, 11 November 2020, Metropol Zurich
GesKR Event on the New Corporate Law (GesKR-Tagung zum neuen Aktienrecht)
Wednesday, 21 October 2020, Metropol Zurich
Reference: CapLaw-2020-37 -
Capital Market – Law and Transactions XVI (Kapitalmarkt – Recht und Transaktionen XVI)
Wednesday, 11 November 2020, Metropol Zurich
Reference: CapLaw-2020-36 -
Seminar: 17th Annual Zurich Stock Corporation Conference (17. Zürcher Aktienrechtstagung)
3 March 2020, Zurich
Seminar: 10th Annual Zurich Conference on Responsibility in Corporate Law (10. Zürcher Tagung zur Verantwortlichkeit im Unternehmensrecht)
11 February 2020, Zurich
Vortragsreihe am Mittag: Corporate Responsibility: Why the Stakeholder Model is Doomed to Fail and how Good Corporations Should Behave
28 February 2020, Zurich
Capital Markets and Transactions XV
(Kapitalmarkt – Recht und Transaktionen XV)Tuesday, 19 November 2019, Metropol, Zurich
Quo Vadis – Financial Centre Switzerland? New Developments in Client and Investor Protection in Financial Markets Regulation
(Quo Vadis – Finanzplatz Schweiz? Neuerungen beim Kunden- und Anlegerschutz im Finanzmarktrecht) Wednesday, 28 August 2019, Universität Zürich-Zentrum, Zurich
22nd Conference Mergers & Acquisitions
(22. Zürcher Konferenz Mergers & Acquisitions) Tuesday, 3 September 2019, Lake Side, Zurich