CPH’s Spin-Off of its Paper Manufacturing Business
SIX-listed CPH Chemie + Papier Holding AG (CPH) has carried out a separation of its paper manufacturing business and related real estate in Perlen from its chemistry and packaging activities by way of spin-off and admission of the newly formed Perlen Industrieholding AG for trading on the off-exchange platforms OTC-X and LPZ-X. The purpose of the spin-off is to create two focused companies each being able to successfully pursue their own specific strategy: the SIX Swiss Exchange-listed, globally active and growth-oriented CPH (newly called CPH Group AG) with its chemistry (Zeochem) and packaging (Perlen Packaging) divisions; and off-exchange Perlen Industrieholding AG, in which are bundled the paper manufacturing business (Perlen Papier AG) and the real-estate assets of the Perlen industrial site. The spin-off was effected by way of capital reduction and distribution in kind as approved at an extraordinary shareholders meeting of CPH on 20 June 2024, pursuant to which shareholders received one share in the newly formed Perlen Industrieholding AG for each CPH share.
Blockchain Law (Blockchain-Recht, DLT-Gesetzgebung: Neuste Entwicklungen und Praxis)
Tuesday, 3 September 2024, Lakeside, Zurich
27th Conference on Mergers & Acquisitions(27. Zürcher Konferenz Mergers & Acquisitions)
Tuesday, 10 September 2024, Lakeside, Zurich
12th Conference on Anti-Money Laundering (12. Zürcher Tagung zur Geldwäschereibekämpfung)
Tuesday, 1 October 2024, Lakeside, Zurich
Conflicts of Interest: Law & Best Practice (Interessenkonflikte: Recht & Best Practice, Aktuelle Rechtsfragen rund um Verwaltungsratund Geschäftsleitung)
Tuesday, 1 October 2024, Metropol, Zurich
11th Conference on Internal and Regulatory Investigations (11. Tagung zu internen und regulatorischen Untersuchungen)
Wednesday, 30 October 2024, Metropol, Zurich
11th Conference on Compliance in the FinancialServices Sector (11. Tagung zur Compliance im Finanzdienstleistungsbereich)
Tuesday, 12 November 2024, Lakeside, Zurich
18th Conference on Asset Management (18. Tagung zur Vermögensverwaltung)
Wednesday, 20 November 2024, Metropol, Zurich
Capital Markets – Law and Transactions XX (Kapitalmarkt – Recht und Transaktionen XX)
Wednesday, 27 November 2024, Metropol, Zurich
St. Gall Conference on Financial Markets Regulation (St.Galler Tagung zur Finanzmarktregulierung)
Thursday, 28 November 2024, Zürich Marriott Hotel, Zurich